To Be Continued Formore Videos for Idias

Making A World-Class Education Possible

Berkeley offers a variety of scholarship programs that can help you fund your education. In addition, you can search for outside scholarships to help with your educational expenses. ​

​Scholarships for Berkeley Students

Please see the following web pages for more information on both UC Berkeley scholarships and outside scholarships.

UC Berkeley Scholarships

Berkeley Undergraduate Scholarship

Fiat Lux Scholarship

Middle Class Scholarship

Regents' and Chancellor's Scholarship

​Outside Scholarships

Search for Outside Scholarships

Scholarship Lifecycle

8 Steps of The Berkeley Scholarship Cycle

Some students wonder why they are receiving a request to thank donors several months after receiving the scholarship notification. This page explains the scholarship cycle and the critical role you play in ensuring that UC Berkeley is able to continue to provide deserving students like you with financial support in the form of scholarships.

​Expressing Gratitude for Your Scholarship

It's a tremendous achievement to receive a scholarship from UC Berkeley.

UC Berkeley is able to provide scholarships like the Berkeley Undergraduate Scholarship, Fiat Lux, and the Regents' and Chancellor's Scholarship because of hundreds of donors who want to see students achieve their full potential in college.

Giving Thanks to Our Donors

The university shows its appreciation to these generous donors by sending them each a thank-you letter along with a personal message from each scholarship recipient. The donors of these scholarships are genuinely interested in learning about you and want to know that they are making a real difference in the lives of students.

That's why we need every recipient of a donor-funded scholarship to fill out a scholarship profile. The scholarship profile and the ThankView video are easy and effective ways for you to express your appreciation to the donors who made your scholarship possible. Here's how they work.


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