Family and Children Services of Silicon Valley Caminar

Intermediate English

The story of Silicon Valley

 If quondam America was fabricated in New York or Detroit, modern America is fabricated in Silicon Valley. But what is "Silicon Valley", where is it? And why is it where information technology is?

San Jose
San José,in the middle of Silicon Valley

It is not made of silicon; and it is not a river valley; simply forgetting that, Silicon Valley is probably the nigh famous valley in the world. Although it is not the place where the outset computer was congenital (that was Manchester, England), Silicon Valley, near San Francisco,  was the birthplace of the modernistic computer industry.
For this, nosotros can say thankyou to scientists at the universities in California, and to the Hippies of the 1960's.
Information technology was in the nineteen-sixties that American "youth civilization" really began. California, of class, already existed; but the Sixties Generation rediscovered information technology.
At the time in that location were really two different forms of youth culture; the "Beach Male child" culture on the one hand, and the anti-institution hippies and radical students on the other hand; and they all dreamed of California.
For the Beach Boys, that meant southern California, where they could sing about surfing and cars; for the Hippies and radicals, information technology meant San Francisco, "flower power" and revolutionary new ideas. The campuses at Berkeley and Stamford, near San Francisco, were hot-beds of new ideas, new engineering, new culture, and new means of living.

    When they finished academy, many of the best students did not await for jobs with large companies like Ford or Exxon. Instead they wanted to be free and run their own operations.... and stay in California, non far from San Francisco. Silicon Valley is thus a group of small towns, including Palo Alto and San José,  a few miles south of San Francisco.
The high-technology industry was already present around San Francisco. Intel had been founded in 1968, and in the aforementioned year the first computer mouse was built at Stamford University. In 1970, Xerox opened a research eye in Palo Alto. There were also other electronics companies, like Hewlett Packard, and Fairchild, the world's commencement "semiconductor" company.
And so, in 1976, an electronics pupil called Steve Jobs started a small estimator company in his garage; he gave it the same name as the Beatles' record visitor: Apple tree.
Very shortly,  more  companies, similar Seagate and Google appeared. "Silicon Valley" had arrived. There was even a sort of primitive Internet connecting many addresses in Silicon Valley, chosen the Arpanet.

    Today, Silicon Valley is withal the home of the computer industry; information technology is still full of high technology, but it is not the but heart for high-tech in the USA.  Today here are reckoner firms all over the USA.... and all over the world; but Silicon Valley all the same has the largest concentration of high-tech companies and research centers.

Microsoft, the globe's biggest high-tech visitor, is non based in Silicon Valley. It is farther north, almost Seattle in the state of Washington.

Word guide

birthplace: the identify where a person is born - youth: immature people - on the one hand: on one side - anti-institution: people who reject the "established" system of society - radical: very dissimilar, revolutionary - run: organise - company: house. .

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Pupil Worksheet

Silicon valley... Where is information technology, and why is information technology where it is ?

Hither are the answers to some questions. Using information from the text, make upwardly possible questions to fit the answers. As you will notice, some of the questions use question words, others do not.

In Manchester, England
Where ....
In Silicon Valley, near San Francisco.
Who ...
The Embankment Boys.
Did the best students....
No, they preferred to stay in California.
When .....
In 1968
In Palo Alto
When ....
In 1976.
It was a sort of primitive Internet.
No, there are loftier-terch firms all over the United states of america now.
Where ......
Farther north, in Seattle.

Ideas for teachers and students

Student worksheet exercise: questions.
For information on how to form questions in English, run across

Language point:

Pay attention to the use of passives and compound-nound, which are common features of technical writing. For example:

It is not made of...
The first reckoner was built
Intel had been founded ...

Silicon valley  / figurer industry  /  youth culture  /  sixties generation  /  flower power  /  high-engineering science industry,  etc.

Other ideas?
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This teaching resource is © copyright Linguapress  2020.
Updated from an article originally published in Horizon, the Easy-intermediate level English newsmagazine.
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Other ideas?
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