If I Get Over Side Effects When Increase the Dosage Will I Have Side Effects Again

Behav Sci (Basel). 2022 Jul; 8(seven): 64.

Temporal Profiles and Dose-Responsiveness of Side Effects with Escitalopram and Duloxetine in Treatment-Naïve Depressed Adults

Helen S. Mayberg

iiDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA; ude.mssm@grebyam.neleh

W. Edward Craighead

threeDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University Schoolhouse of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329, United states of america; ude.yrome@hgiarce (W.E.C.); ude.yrome@sfokarj (J.J.R.); ude.yrome@noorahe (East.H.)

4Section of Psychology, Emory Academy, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA

Vivianne Aponte Rivera

5Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Tulane Academy School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA; ude.enalut@etnopa

Received 2022 Jun one; Accepted 2022 Jul 16.


Side event profiles of antidepressants are relevant to handling selection and adherence among patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), but several clinically-relevant characteristics of side furnishings are poorly understood. We aimed to compare the side effect profiles of escitalopram and duloxetine, including frequencies, fourth dimension to onset, elapsing, dose responsiveness, and impact on treatment outcomes. Side furnishings occurring in 211 treatment-naïve patients with MDD randomized to 12 weeks of treatment with flexibly-dosed escitalopram (10–20 mg/day) or duloxetine (30–60 mg/solar day) as role of the Predictors of Remission in Depression to Individual and Combined Treatments (PReDICT) written report were evaluated. Escitalopram- and duloxetine-treated patients experienced a like mean number of overall side effects and did not differ in terms of the specific side effects observed or their temporal profile. Experiencing any side event during the first 2 weeks of treatment was associated with increased likelihood of trial completion (86.7% vs. 73.vii%, p = 0.045). Duloxetine-treated patients who experienced dry mouth were significantly more likely to achieve remission than those who did non (73.7% vs. 44.8%, p = 0.026). Side effects that resolved prior to a dose increment were unlikely to recur later the increase, but only nearly 45% of intolerable side effects that required a dose reduction resolved inside 30 days of the reduction. At the doses used in this study, escitalopram and duloxetine have like side effect profiles. Understanding characteristics of side furnishings beyond simple frequency rates may help prescribers make more informed medication decisions and back up conversations with patients to better handling adherence.

Keywords: adverse drug reaction, drug toxicity, antidepressant, serotonin uptake inhibitors, medication adherence

i. Introduction

Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects 15 million Americans over 18 years of age, and it is estimated that 13% of Usa adults are currently prescribed antidepressant medications [1]. Because marketed antidepressants have relatively similar efficacy [2], the side upshot profiles of the individual medications oftentimes become a driving gene for medication selections by physicians and patients. Between 32–sixty% of patients discontinue their medications within the showtime iii months of treatment, with side effects oft cited as the primary contributing cistron [3,4,v].

Selective serotonin-receptor inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), have emerged as the first-line medication options for treating depression, in large part because they accept a more benign side effect profile and are safer in overdose than older tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors [6]. Escitalopram is the Due south-enantiomer of racemic citalopram, with a high analogousness for the serotonin transporter (SERT) and low affinity for other monoamine transporters or receptors [7]. Duloxetine is an SNRI believed to exert its clinical outcome by modulating the serotonin (five-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) action in the central nervous organization. Duloxetine's affinity for the SERT is roughly 10-fold greater than for the norepinephrine transporter, suggesting higher doses are required to go meaning noradrenergic effect [8].

The package inserts of the trade name medications for escitalopram and duloxetine state that the virtually common handling-emergent adverse consequence in patients with MDD was nausea, with a frequency of 15% and 23%, respectively. For escitalopram, other adverse events listed in descending order of frequency are: insomnia and ejaculation disorder (ix%), diarrhea (8%), somnolence and dry mouth (6%), and dizziness, hyperhidrosis, fatigue, rhinitis, and influenza-like symptoms (5%) [nine]. For duloxetine, the most common adverse events later on nausea are headache and dry out mouth (14%), constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, somnolence, and insomnia (ix%), decreased appetite and hyperhidrosis (half-dozen%), and abdominal pain (5%) [10]. Withal, because these data were collected across many trials conducted by different groups of investigators, comparisons of side result frequencies betwixt medications is uncertain.

A contempo pooled analysis of trials comparison the tolerability of duloxetine versus other antidepressants found that duloxetine patients were more than likely to drop out due to side effects than patients treated with escitalopram [xi]. Among the individual adverse events, merely nausea/vomiting occurred significantly more frequently among duloxetine-treated versus SSRI-treated patients; no adverse events were more mutual with SSRIs than duloxetine. These information suggest that the overall side effect profiles of duloxetine and SSRIs are similar.

Beyond the upshot of differing frequencies of side effects between SSRIs and SNRIs, at that place remain many questions about antidepressant adverse event profiles that accept high clinical relevance yet remain unexamined. These include: (one) the usual elapsing of antidepressant-related side effects; (2) the time to emergence of specific side furnishings later starting handling; (iii) the frequency of side furnishings emerging following drug initiation or dose increase; (4) the frequency with which antidepressant-induced side effects resolve afterward dose reduction; (v) the frequency with which side furnishings that have resolved volition re-emerge afterwards a dose increment; (6) the association between side effect occurrence with an antidepressant and probability of handling outcomes (e.grand., response, drop-out); (seven) the effect that MDD severity or comorbid anxiety disorder has on reported side effects; and (8) the relationship between blood drug concentrations and side effect occurrence.

To address these questions, we analyzed the side event data nerveless as part of the Predictors of Remission to Individual and Combined Treatments (PReDICT) report. The trial randomized 229 patients with MDD in a double-blind way to the SSRI escitalopram or the SNRI duloxetine for 12 weeks of handling.

2. Methods

2.1. Study Pattern

The design and rationale of the PReDICT study [12] and the primary clinical outcomes [thirteen] have been previously published and are reviewed briefly here. PReDICT enrolled 344 adult men and women aged 18–65 who met DSM-IV criteria for a current non-psychotic major depressive episode [fourteen] and who had never previously received an testify-based treatment for MDD. Eligible patients had to score ≥18 at screening and ≥15 at baseline on the 17-item Hamilton Low Rating Scale (HDRS) [15]. In addition, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAMA) [16] was performed at baseline and at each HDRS rating visit. Key psychiatric exclusion criteria included lifetime history of bipolar disorder, primary psychotic disorder, or dementia, or a current diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorder, dissociative disorder or substance corruption or dependence. Patients with meaning uncontrolled medical weather or any condition that could interfere with the study or the estimation of the report results were excluded. Patients were also excluded if they had always (lifetime) received treatment with any antidepressant medication for at least 4 weeks at a minimally constructive dose. Additionally, any lifetime exposure (i.e., a single dose) to citalopram, escitalopram, or duloxetine was exclusionary. All patients provided written informed consent prior to beginning study procedures and the study was approved by the Emory Institutional Review Board and the Grady Infirmary Research Oversight Committee. The study is registered on Clinicaltrials.gov, {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT00360399","term_id":"NCT00360399"}}NCT00360399.

two.2. Treatments

Patients were randomized 1:1:one to ane of three possible treatments: (1) escitalopram 10–twenty mg/d; (2) duloxetine thirty–lx mg/d; or (3) cerebral behavior therapy. This report evaluates but those patients assigned to one of the two medication arms. The study medications were compounded in the Emory Investigational Drug Service and packaged into opaque majestic capsules containing the equivalent of either ten mg of escitalopram or 30 mg of duloxetine. Patients started with one capsule per day, which could exist increased to ii capsules in one case daily if the patient had non meaningfully improved past week 3. If the response to handling plateaued during the trial, or if remission was not achieved by week 6, an increment to ii capsules per day was required per the study protocol. Adverse events that were intolerable were addressed past lowering the dose back to one sheathing per solar day. Dates for drug initiation and dose changes were recorded. Blood for pharmacokinetic quantification of antidepressant levels was collected at the week 2 visit, when both medications were expected to have accomplished initial dose steady-state serum concentrations.

ii.iii. Assessment of Side Effects

Six physicians assessed patients for side effects during the report. All 6 were trained in side effect assessment by the lead study md (B.West.D.). To be considered a side upshot, the patient had to report an untoward physical or mental experience that either: (1) was a new event the patient had not previously experienced; or (2) reflected worsening of a pre-existing problem, either in terms of frequency or severity. Intensity was classified every bit "mild" (noticeable, but no more than minimally distressing, non-interfering with activities, and not requiring change in treatment), "moderate" (moderately distressing or causing some interference with activities, adjunctive handling or dose adjustment may be required), or "severe" (significant interference in important activities, adjunctive handling or dose reduction/drug cessation required). No formal assessment to measure out inter-rater agreement on side effects between the physicians was conducted.

After randomization, patients returned at weeks i–6, 8, 10, and 12 to complete the symptom rating scales and for a study physician to assess the degree of improvement and handling tolerability. At each of these visits, patients were asked by a study physician if they had experienced any negative changes in their concrete or mental wellness, or if they had experienced anything they might consider a side outcome of treatment since the prior visit. Responses were recorded, documenting the get-go engagement, end date, severity, and the physician's assessment of relatedness to the written report medication (not related, unlikely, possibly, probably, or definitely). The relatedness of the study medication to the side effect was based on the physician's evaluation of the potential precipitating factors, timing, concomitant medications, and pre-treatment condition of the reported side event. At each subsequent visit, the report doc besides inquired about the condition of each ongoing side effect, to determine whether information technology had abated or changed in severity. Side effect durations were calculated by subtracting the end date from the start date; for side effects that were non reported to have resolved, the patient'southward last written report visit date was used equally the end date. Upon written report completion, adverse events were coded by a dr. (BWD) into version eighteen.0 of the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities terms.

ii.4. Statistical Methods

To minimize confounding arising from patient-reported health changes that had a low likelihood of beingness related to the treatment intervention, only side furnishings rated by the study physician as maybe, probably, or definitely related to the study medication were analyzed. Considering few side effects were rated "severe," nosotros followed the approach used in prior studies and analyzed side effects only as present or absent-minded, regardless of assessed severity [17]. Astringent depression was defined by a baseline HDRS ≥ 20, with scores of 15–19 classified every bit non-severe [xviii]. T-tests were used to compare hateful differences in normally distributed continuous data; times to onset and durations of side effects were establish to be non-normally distributed and were compared using Mann-Whitney U-tests. Categorical outcomes of side result proportions, drop-out, response and remission were compared using Chi-Foursquare tests. Pearson'southward correlation coefficient was used to examine the association between baseline HAMA scores with the number of reported side furnishings. Due to the exploratory nature of these analyses, corrections for multiple comparisons were not applied.

3. Results

3.1. Participants

Of the 229 patients randomized to medication, 18 never returned afterward randomization (9 in each medication group) and were not considered further in the analysis, leaving 211 total patients in the intent-to-treat sample (105 escitalopram, 106 duloxetine) and 178 completers (92 escitalopram, 86 duloxetine). Hateful endpoint doses of the medications were 16.2 ± five.one mg/twenty-four hour period for escitalopram and 48.0 ± fifteen.0 mg/d for duloxetine. Tabular array 1 presents the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the analyzed patients.

Table 1

Clinical and demographic characteristics at baseline.

Characteristic Escitalopram (n = 105) Duloxetine (n = 106) F p
Mean SD Mean SD
Age (yrs) 41.1 12.1 38.2 11.4 3.904 0.049
Age at first episode (yrs) 32.8 xv.1 27.7 13.4 6.850 0.010
Current episode duration (wks) 103.8 159.ane 123.9 237.seven 0.514 0.474
HDRS twenty.0 3.six nineteen.four three.8 one.766 0.185
BDI 23.3 seven.2 23.3 7.3 0.000 0.998
HAMA xvi.6 5.0 fifteen.1 5.1 four.335 0.039
Due north % N % X 2 P
Sex 0.379 0.538
Male 49 46.7 45 42.5
Female 56 53.3 61 57.v
Race ane.892 0.864
White 46 43.8 53 50.0
Black 22 21.0 xx 18.ix
Other or Multiple 37 35.2 33 31.one
Ethnicity 0.119 0.730
Hispanic 33 31.4 31 29.2
Non-Hispanic 72 68.vi 75 70.8
Electric current Feet Disorder 0.114 0.736
Yes 45 42.ix 43 twoscore.6
No 60 57.one 63 59.four
Previous Episodes 2.717 0.257
1 57 54.eight 47 44.3
2 17 16.three 25 23.vi
≥3 30 28.viii 34 32.1
Chronic Episode (≥two yrs) 29 28.ii 34 32.4 0.440 0.507

3.2. Side Result Frequencies and Durations by Treatment

In the intent-to-treat sample there were 793 instances of side effects considered to be possibly, probably, or definitely related to the study medication during the 12-week treatment menstruum. Six-hundred-and-xl of these instances were classified into 20 specific side effects that occurred in ≥5% of the patients. Table 2 presents the frequencies and mean durations of these xx side effects. If the aforementioned patient experienced multiple (recurrent) side effects of the same type, simply the case with the longest duration was used in the elapsing calculations. For the elapsing data, only the completer sample was used to avoid any bias toward shorter elapsing measures that would issue from including early-terminating patients whose side effects had non resolved by the time of drop-out. Table S1 presents like information for 11 additional side furnishings that are of potential clinical interest that occurred in <5% of patients.

Table two

Frequency and elapsing of side effects amidst patients treated with escitalopram or duloxetine.

Adverse Event Frequency Duration
Total Escitalopram Duloxetine p-Value Escitalopram Duloxetine p-Value
(n = 211) (n = 105) (n = 106) (north = 92) (n = 96)
north % n % n % Hateful (Days) SD Mean (days) SD
Nausea 58 27.5 26 24.viii 32 30.2 0.38 7.7 8.5 17.half dozen 36.0 0.xx
Headache 53 25.one 27 25.7 26 24.5 0.84 20.eight 22.seven 12.7 17.4 0.19
Somnolence 48 22.7 23 21.9 25 23.6 0.77 44.0 63.three 19.ii 17.2 0.08
Sexual dysfunction 47 22.3 23 21.nine 24 22.vi 0.ninety 89.0 93.7 88.5 70.0 0.98
Fatigue 46 21.8 22 21 24 22.6 0.77 49.i 55.two 31.four 32.v 0.22
Insomnia 45 21.three 20 19 25 23.vi 0.42 71.5 116.4 37.2 37.3 0.20
Dry mouth 41 xix.iv 16 xv.ii 25 23.6 0.13 54.4 62.nine 72.three 73.4 0.43
Dizziness 33 15.6 sixteen fifteen.ii 17 xvi 0.87 38.ix 78.4 10.3 11.4 0.nineteen
Diarrhea 32 15.2 15 14.3 17 16 0.72 21.0 34.half dozen xiii.four 22.3 0.48
Constipation 20 nine.v eight 7.6 12 eleven.3 0.36 24.6 xxx.0 27.2 22.six 0.83
Anxiety eighteen 8.five viii vii.6 10 9.iv 0.64 xv.8 xviii.3 15.4 16.9 0.97
Abdominal hurting 17 8.ane six 5.vii eleven ten.4 0.21 12.6 15.1 9.6 9.6 0.64
Yawning 16 vii.6 7 vi.vii 9 8.5 0.62 31.6 16.5 45.0 59.9 0.58
Ambition decreased sixteen 7.half-dozen 7 6.seven nine viii.5 0.62 twenty.2 15.half dozen 50.0 53.2 0.22
Emotional blunting 15 7.1 11 10.5 four 3.eight 0.06 38.0 24.4 24.eight 24.viii 0.38
Dyspepsia 14 half-dozen.half dozen 6 5.7 8 7.five 0.59 33.eight 42.1 13.8 xi.eight 0.34
Bruxism 14 6.half dozen 8 7.6 half dozen 5.7 0.57 88.six 85.6 54.0 41.vi 0.38
Sweating increased 13 6.2 iv 3.8 nine 8.five 0.16 41.iii 23.iv 41.three 37.1 0.99
Jitteriness 12 5.7 half-dozen 5.7 6 5.7 0.99 ten.3 5.1 v.8 5.9 0.28
Restlessness eleven 5.2 v 4.eight half-dozen 5.7 0.77 18.3 24.5 nineteen.3 fourteen.7 0.95

The mean number of unique side effects did not differ between escitalopram- and duloxetine-treated patients, either in the intent-to-treat sample (3.17 ± ii.24 vs. three.61 ± 2.38, respectively, p = 0.166) or among completers (3.28 ± ii.16 vs. 3.83 ± ii.38, respectively, p = 0.112). The variables that differed between treatment groups at baseline (HAMA score, age of onset of depression, and current age) did non significantly moderate these results. As shown in Table two, none of the individual side effects significantly differed in frequency or duration between the treatments.

Among the 640 instances of the side furnishings listed in Table 2, 452 (70.6%) resolved inside 30 days, which did not significantly differ between the medications (escitalopram: 202/296, 68%; duloxetine: 250/344, 73%; p = 0.220). Jitteriness was the shortest-lived side event for both medications, with a mean duration of near 1 week. In contrast, several side effects persisted for a mean duration of >2 months, including sexual dysfunction, bruxism, and insomnia for escitalopram-treated patients, and sexual dysfunction, dry mouth, decreased appetite, increased sweating, and restlessness for duloxetine-treated patients.

3.3. Time to Onset of Side Effects

Table iii presents the mean fourth dimension to onset of the 20 near mutual side effects with the 2 medications. Amongst the 105 escitalopram patients, in that location were 301 split up side effects. 3 side furnishings had an boilerplate fourth dimension to onset within the first week of treatment: dyspepsia, dry oral fissure, and decreased appetite, and nine others had onset during the 2d week. Among the 106 duloxetine patients, there were 339 instances of the xx well-nigh mutual side effects. Two side furnishings had a mean time to onset in the beginning calendar week: jitteriness and dry mouth, and eleven others had onset during the second week. Time to onset did not differ for any of these side furnishings betwixt the treatment groups (all p > 0.one).

Tabular array iii

Time to onset of side furnishings (Days).

Side Result All Patients Escitalopram Duloxetine p-Value
(n = 793) (northward = 372) (north = 421)
Mean SD Mean SD Hateful SD
Dry mouth 5.ane 7.eight 5.0 6.4 five.ii 8.6 0.93
Dyspepsia 6.6 10.6 five.0 7.8 7.ix 12.viii 0.64
Ambition decreased half-dozen.7 fourteen.2 5.vii 9.7 7.3 17.2 0.83
Jitteriness 8.half dozen 13.3 12.0 fifteen.9 5.1 10.1 0.36
Yawning nine.eight 13.7 ten.6 13.5 ix.i fourteen.five 0.82
Nausea ten.1 17.6 10.i 14.7 10.1 20.0 0.99
Restlessness x.eight 14.3 10.8 14.6 10.vii fifteen.4 0.99
Diarrhea 12.1 18.3 13.3 fifteen.4 xi.two 20.7 0.75
Fatigue 12.6 18.2 xiii.2 17.vi 12.i 19.1 0.83
Anxiety 12.six 19.3 sixteen.4 21.3 9.2 17.vii 0.43
Abdominal pain 13.3 12.eight 13.5 13.iii 13.2 13.i 0.96
Headache 13.eight 18.2 15.two xviii.0 12.1 18.5 0.49
Constipation 14.iii 14.7 17.iii 17.7 12.3 12.6 0.43
Indisposition 14.8 16.8 xv.three xvi.3 fourteen.four 17.six 0.86
Dizziness 15.6 19.5 12.6 fifteen.2 18.half dozen 23.i 0.35
Somnolence 15.6 xix.2 19.2 20.iv 12.2 17.vii 0.19
Sweating increased 19.0 15.nine 13.3 12.3 21.6 17.3 0.41
Bruxism 19.nine 19.8 twenty.2 19.7 19.vi 21.5 0.95
Sexual dysfunction 20.9 21.1 25.five 21.v xvi.seven 20.1 0.xi
Emotional blunting 23.5 eighteen.0 20.9 15.2 30.5 25.vi 0.38

3.iv. Bear on of Dose Changes on Side Effects

To determine the event of dose increases on side effect occurrence, nosotros compared the counts of side furnishings get-go within 21 days of drug initiation versus those starting time inside 21 days of a dose increase. In full, 573 side effects occurred within the first 21 days of drug initiation, (mean: two.74/patient). In contrast, 118 side furnishings occurred within 21 days following a dose increment among the 155 patients who had their dose increased (mean: 0.76/patient). Side effects with drug initiation occurred significantly more often amongst duloxetine- than escitalopram-treated patients (Duloxetine: 318/413, 77.0%; Escitalopram: 255/372, 68.five%; p = 0.008). Conversely, following a dose increase, side effects were more common among escitalopram- than duloxetine-treated patients (Escitalopram: 66/292, 22.half-dozen%; Duloxetine: 52/319, sixteen.3%; p = 0.049).

To examine the recurrence of side furnishings after a dose increase, we identified those side furnishings that had onset later on treatment initiation and subsequently resolved prior to a dose increase. There were 33 side effects in 27 individuals that recurred later a dose increment. The virtually frequently recurring side effects were headache (half dozen/32, eighteen.6%) and nausea (6/38, 15.8%). Thus, one time a side effect had resolved, the likelihood of the aforementioned side outcome recurring afterward dose increase was low.

Nineteen subjects (10.7% of the completers) had their dose reduced due to side effects. Of the 33 total side effects present at the time of dose reduction, 18 (54.5%) of them resolved within 30 days post-obit the dose change. The probability of resolution inside 30 days of dose reduction was unrelated to the blazon of side effect and did not differ between the medications.

3.v. Bear on of Side Effects on Handling Outcomes

Patients who experienced a side consequence inside the kickoff 2 weeks of kickoff antidepressant treatment were significantly more likely to consummate the full 12-week handling than patients who did not (150/173, 86.7% versus 28/38, 73.7%, respectively, χ2 = 4.004, p = 0.045). Analyzing the two treatments separately establish that this association was significant in the duloxetine group (p = 0.024), but not in the escitalopram group (p = 0.409).

Despite existence more likely to consummate treatment, patients who completed treatment and who reported a side effect in the first 2 weeks were no more likely to achieve remission at week 12 than those who did non feel an early side consequence, which was truthful for the whole sample combined (71/150, 47.3% vs. 11/28, 39.three%, respectively, χ2 = 0.615, p = 0.433), as well every bit for each treatment individually. Patients experiencing dry out mouth during the first ii weeks were more probable to attain remission (21/33, 63.6%) compared to those who did non (61/145, 42.one% χ2 = 5.033, p = 0.025). In dissimilarity, restlessness was negatively associated with remission (0/five, 0.0% vs. 82/173, 47.4%, respectively, χ2 = 4.394, p = 0.036). Within-handling analyses identified no side furnishings in the escitalopram group that predicted remission. However, among duloxetine-treated patients, dry rima oris was predictive of remission (14/19, 73.7% vs. xxx/67, 44.8%, respectively, χtwo = iv.951, p = 0.026), and headache predicted not-remission (four/17, 23.5% vs. 40/69, 58.0%, respectively, χtwo = 6.475, p = 0.011).

3.6. Impact of Depression Severity and Anxiety on Reported Side Effects

The sample was evenly divided between astringent (due north = 105) and non-severe (due north = 106) depression based on the baseline HDRS score. The hateful number of side furnishings experienced during the report did non differ between the severe and non-severely ill patients (iii.four ± 2.i and 3.4 ± 2.five, respectively; p = 0.986).

Anxiety as assessed past baseline HAMA scores was also not significantly associated with the number of side furnishings (r = 0.029, p = 0.68). Similarly, the mean number of side effects did non significantly differ between patients who did (n = 88) or did not (n = 123) have a current comorbid anxiety disorder (three.seven ± ii.vii versus three.2 ± 1.9, p = 0.087).

3.7. Relationship between Plasma Drug Concentration and Side Effects

To examine whether the emergence of side effects early in treatment was associated with the level of drug exposure, we examined correlations between the number of side effects reported at week 2 and the serum concentrations of the antidepressants at week 2. The correlations were not significant for either medication (Effigy i). We as well compared the drug serum concentrations at calendar week 2 among patients who did or did non experience one of the vi most common side effects (nausea, headache, somnolence, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, and insomnia) that occurred within the outset 2 weeks of treatment. Equally shown in Figure ii, the duloxetine concentration was significantly higher in patients who experienced nausea versus those who did non (42.1 ± 54.9 ng/mL versus 20.half-dozen ± 17.3 ng/mL, respectively, p = 0.023); all other comparisons were not significant.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is behavsci-08-00064-g001a.jpg
An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is behavsci-08-00064-g001b.jpg

Lack of correlation between serum plasma concentrations of escitalopram or duloxetine and the number of side effects reported at calendar week ii of treatment. (a) Escitalopram; (b) Duloxetine.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is behavsci-08-00064-g002.jpg

Mean serum antidepressant concentrations at calendar week ii for the six near common side effects occurring inside the first ii weeks of handling. (a) Escitalopram; (b) Duloxetine * p = 0.023.

iv. Discussion

This analysis of 211 treatment-naïve depressed adults randomly assigned to 12 weeks of handling with escitalopram or duloxetine plant similar side issue profiles for the ii medications. These results signal that in the dose range employed in the report, duloxetine was acting primarily as an SSRI. Side effects about consistently emerging in the first calendar week of treatment included jitteriness and the gastrointestinal effects of dyspepsia (intestinal hurting), decreased appetite, and dry mouth. Experiencing a side upshot during the showtime two weeks of treatment was positively associated with completing the 12-week trial. Restlessness, though uncommon, predicted non-remission to treatment, and dry out mouth predicted remission, particularly for duloxetine-treated patients. Re-emergence of specific side furnishings later a dose increase was uncommon if a side issue had fully resolved prior to the increment in dose. Taken together, these results provide additional information for prescribers to use in discussions with patients about the probability, duration, and dosing approaches regarding side furnishings occurring with escitalopram and duloxetine.

An unexpected finding was that occurrence of side furnishings in the start two weeks predicted completion of the full 12-calendar week trial; this overall effect was driven by a significant difference in the duloxetine arm, which was absent in the escitalopram arm. One estimation of this finding is that the experience of side effects may signal to the patient that they are on a "powerful" medicine that will affect them, which sustains willingness to adhere to treatment, especially if side effects are not severe. In PReDICT, the active enquiry about side effects made by report physicians at each visit may have enhanced the sense of treatment collaboration with the patients, thereby supporting trial completion. These data are consistent with prior studies indicating that physician date with patients about side effects improves treatment adherence [19,twenty].

Although experiencing whatever side event in the starting time 2 weeks did not predict remission, the early emergence of dry mouth was significantly associated with remission, and restlessness was predictive of non-remission. Ane prior written report specifically associated the side effect of dry mouth with patients who responded to antidepressants betwixt weeks 4–half-dozen of treatment compared to those who responded by week 2 [21]. Given that salivation is regulated by cholinergic and noradrenergic tone, it is possible that the association of dry mouth with remission may reverberate an individual'southward sensitivity to the modulating effect of an antidepressant on these monoamine systems.

Duloxetine-treated patients who experienced nausea had higher plasma concentrations of the medication than those who did not experience this side consequence. A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials found nausea to exist the most mutual symptom reported amidst duloxetine-treated patients beyond all indications [22]. Similarly, a pooled analysis of head-to-head trials comparing duloxetine versus escitalopram for depression found just nausea was significantly more than mutual among duloxetine-treated patients [xi]. In the trials included in this assay, duloxetine was always prescribed at a fixed dose of 60 mg/24-hour interval from the starting time day of treatment [23,24,25]. In contrast, in PReDICT, patients were started at 30 mg/day, and the frequency of nausea did not differ from that observed in the escitalopram-treated patients. Although the package insert for the trade name version of duloxetine states, "For some patients, information technology may be desirable to commencement at 30 mg in one case daily for 1 week, to allow patients to adapt to the medication earlier increasing to 60 mg once daily," this information has unclear clinical application considering the likelihood of side furnishings cannot be known beforehand. The consequent associations across trials of nausea rates with higher initial duloxetine doses, along with the higher serum concentrations among patients experiencing nausea in the current analysis, advise it would exist prudent to commencement at <60 mg/day in all patients initiating duloxetine treatment.

Strengths of this assay include that all patients in the study had never previously received an acceptable duration of antidepressant medication, leading the study to be free of selection bias confronting one of the medications that could have arisen from patients' prior treatment experiences. In addition, the detailed information around timing of onset, kickoff, and dose responsiveness of reported side effects provided a richness of side upshot clarification mostly defective from prior investigations into antidepressant tolerability.

A potential limitation of this assay was the absenteeism of a structured side upshot rating questionnaire. Self-report questionnaires have the benefit of consistent administration and have been shown to capture a wider array and greater number of side effects than spontaneous reporting or doctor inquiry [26,27]. However, the questionnaire approach to side furnishings suffers from several important limitations, including exclusion of relevant side effects (e.k., yawning, fatigue, emotional blunting), and inability to appraise the relatedness of the side effects specifically to the medication. Furthermore, side effect questionnaires often capture aspects of psychiatric affliction or unrelated health problems [26], introducing substantial noise into side effect assessment. Indeed, nearly all studies using self-report questionnaires have found that side event frequency correlates with the severity of low or anxiety [17,28,29,30]. One large study that employed a side effect checklist establish that adverse reactions were more common when patients were medication free at baseline than during their antidepressant treatment [17]. The conflicting results regarding the association of side effects with the level of low severity and anxiety between our analysis and those of investigators using self-report questionnaires suggests that associations between psychiatric symptom severity and side effect occurrence is primarily due to increased distress expression [31] or heightened sensitivity and attending to uncomfortable physical sensations associated with low [32,33,34]. Therefore, by evaluating only those side effects considered past the study physicians as being mayhap resulting from the medication, the electric current assay reduced the potential for confounding arising from cocky-report questionnaire data. A second potential limitation was that the mean dose of duloxetine used in the study, 48 mg/twenty-four hours, was lower than doses typically used by psychiatrists to care for MDD, though it is inside the xl–60 mg/twenty-four hour period dose indicated on the medication characterization [x]. Duloxetine was as well started at a slightly sub-threshold dose (30 mg/twenty-four hour period) compared to escitalopram (10 mg/day). A higher starting dose or hateful dose of duloxetine may have resulted in more frequent noradrenergic-related side effects. Although patients were evaluated for abuse of booze or use of illicit substances during the screening phase of the study, they were non re-evaluated for these factors after they initiated handling.

5. Conclusions

Although the use of doc-assessed side effects runs the risk of incomplete capture of all side effects, in that location are substantial advantages to this approach in reducing false positives and assuasive greater signal-to-noise ratio in the collected information. Starting duloxetine at 30 mg/day is a prudent approach to minimize nausea for many patients. Side effects occurring during treatment demand not atomic number 82 to loftier rates of treatment drop-out if prescribers dose medications judiciously and regularly attend to patients' experiences.

Author Contributions

B.W.D., H.S.Chiliad., and Due west.East.C. led the conduct of the PReDICT study. P.E.P. and B.West.D. conducted the information analysis. P.E.P. managed the literature searches and wrote the commencement typhoon of the manuscript. Five.A.R., J.J.R., Eastward.H., and B.W.D. assessed the study patients. All authors contributed to the manuscript and approved the final version.


This inquiry was funded by the National Institutes of Health, grant numbers P50 MH077083, R01MH080880, UL1 RR025008, and M01 RR0039. Woods Labs and Elli Lilly Inc. donated the study medications, escitalopram and duloxetine, respectively, merely were otherwise uninvolved in study design, data drove, data analysis, or interpretation of findings.

Conflicts of Interest

B.Due west.D. has received enquiry support from Acadia, Axsome, Janssen, NIMH, and Takeda, and serves equally a consultant to Assurex Wellness, Inc. (Mason, OH, USA). J.J.R. has received research support from Takeda, Acadia, AstraZeneca, and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. W.E.C. is a board member of Hugarheill ehf, an Icelandic visitor defended to the prevention of depression, receives book royalties from John Wiley & Sons (Hoboken, NJ, United states of america), is supported by the Mary and John Brock Foundation and the Fuqua family foundations, is a consultant to the George W Mental Wellness Foundation, a member of the Scientific Informational Lath (SAB) of ADAA, and a member of the SAB for AIM for Mental Wellness Foundation. H.S.M. has received consulting fees from St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation and intellectual holding licensing fees from St. Jude Medical Neuromodulation. All other authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.


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